Pebblesbaby at Allpoetry

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I was here on AP just last February

Where I met wonderful poets and poetesses

One of them is Pebblesbaby

Who is she you may ask!

And I will tell you

She is one willing to lend a hand in help

With her arms widely opened

Looking for families

And making good friends

She is a strong fun of love

And is always ready to care

As a poet here on AP

I owe it a reputable duty

To pen a piece dedicated to her

As someone like DivineAngelWhispers

Who is hosting this contest

A poem dedication to Pebblesbaby

Who is the forward light

To many here on AP

And if you can read this


It's a sincere dedication to you

For your wonderful works of humanity

So please mama Pebblesbaby, smile

And feel free always

Because you are a wonderful poetess