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You are welcome here my friend. This page is my Home of Poetry. I love poetry so much as if it's the food that I eats when am hungry. It serves me right when am with a book and a pen that I have a mind filled with the feeling of writing. The word is a food for my hunger, that's what am trying to say. I will write and yet write again. What is more than being alone and taking time to think about yourself. Let me tell you this, if you have nothing so special doing, get some books and read as it will heal you off your affiliations. A friend of mine use to say, " a poet can take his pain and turn them into his gains" and this is just right as I know. You can forget your burdens when you start to read an article maybe a short story, a tale, myth, a poem or anything else that will make you feel no way. You can also listen to some musics rocking on the background while you read. It gets well with those who have some time for reading. This is how I have welcomed you to my World Of Poetry. Read my poems and tell me how you feel right inside the comment box. I love criticism so much. You are welcome once again to my World Of Poetry. You can also read my articles at Everyday the passion grows higher for writing.               Just click here....

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Browsing Archive: blog, 2011


Posted by Amu Simon on Thursday, January 20, 2011, In : Poems of Reality 


As the worker of iniquity         Shall always achieve vanity                                                                             So shall the worker of equity    Always achieve prosperity

….//….             ….//….

Never mistreat the inferior         For the Lord is their warrior                                                                        But just defend the helpless      You shall never be defenseless

        ….//….             ….//…....

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Posted by Amu Simon on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 

Oh! My Love, peace and life. There is so much to say than “I Love You” or “I Missed You”. But you know the heart won’t shatter always unless I did say so. I will be lifeless if you should ever go away now that we are much closer than before. I promised the door to my Heart will never be closed while you wished to step in for reality. Never take this for a joke because my Love is always and ever ready for your try.....

It’s a non-failing promise; my...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 

The daylight flower for her pride of beauty bends the head of all by passers.      But in the evening, who knows or embraces the beauty the dull affectionate flowers? What can be the best is really what the worse is. Say great sorry to maga-dog for you surely gone see it biting you in just a turning.

Pride comes from personal qualities and fall also comes from pride. In times of prime, one must lean to be eminent. The saying is always true that, “Pride comes before Fall...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 

Am writing a poem�� With the lion rhythms�� A poem of the time For peace and loveA poem in the grooveFor quick revolution For fast liberation � And for togetherness� This poem of hope� Shall always be thereBe there for the children Of all generations

Come we write a poem To the dying on the streets Telling them hope is aheadAll is keeping the struggle Till there’s no other way��� To vibrate againThen to the government that we neve...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 
                                 NO TIME TO WASTE....

Time is deaf and dump. It does not hear you say stop and cannot see tell you to be fast. Time and tide are always on the run. So everyone must rise up on the two feet to cover up aeries. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow will never come and so, today is our time. Our time and turn to do something new and great. It is the best to make an impact before departing.....

.. ..

A time spent alone in a room is as excellent as a time well spent. H...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 


 CHORUS; “African children……..We need the truth                            

  Give us the teachings……Of Sellase I Ohh Year!!”


Ithiopia saying……Lets come together…                

  Oh Africa is de Land….Is de land.                

  (Dis is de land of Our Heritage)       

       Ghana saying…..We love peace……So stop war.      

                                                Cause we caring…..De lives we lose. Every-time we fight……      ...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Sunday, January 16, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 


Woe to you who act wickedness as a hobby

For your destiny is really unknown

Sorry for you who betray goodness

For you hardly shall prosper in this life

Beware you who feeds on innocent flesh

For your favorite bread shall be sorrow

Why wont you rest and feel comforted

Until you play a bad card somewhere

You must cease al this wickedness

Killing, confusing, destroying and……..

Tormenting the children of the Most High

You shall achieve nothing but vanity

For you wo...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Sunday, January 16, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 


In whatever I try to do

There are barriers I’ve got to cross

Barriers and frustrations and disappointments

Hindering my every efforts to survive

The battle of good and evil

The faith of peace and love

The fight for freedom and justice

And the hope of the victory

The victory of good over evil

Now I feels like breaking the barriers instead

So as to pave the free way

For the generations to come

Yes! That’s why I keep holding the dream

In my dream last night

I wa...

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Posted by Amu Simon on Sunday, January 16, 2011, In : My Poems and Lyrics 

The world is always turning around

Things keep fading with contrast

Ohh! How long shall we remain here?

Where we can’t find no freedom

We keep struggling everyday for good

But they see all as the blind

As people keep going astray

So! I asked myself and say…….

Where is the hope we know?

The hope for the children

And the hope for the world?

While many keep perishing

At bad possible timings

Many of us still won’t listen

But I know of a book

This book is called The Book


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